The shape you see above is the new,
"Golden Double Star Tetrahedron".
This "Golden Double Star Tetrahedron",
is created entirely from all sphere components.
The shape you see above in the video,
is new and has never been seen by human eyes.
It is the new "Golden Sphere", created entirely
from all sphere components
Therefore, it is Golden Ratio based.
An esteemed mathematician,
upon examination has called this shape,
"4th Dimensional Vesica Piscis."
The real, "Tesseract"- in action!
The word "Tesseract was invented by the mathematician Charles Howard Hinton in
1888 when he was trying to create a visual explanation for the existence of the
fourth dimension - Time.
Similar to Picasso painting as though he could see around corners he added a 4th
A Tesseract is a fourth dimensional cube!
(Thanks to our friend IEOIE!)